Our Partnerships

How was RainbowLife born?

Back in March of 2020 when Covid-19 was recognised as a pandemic, the UK finally woke up to the fact it was serious after all. Lisa, being a teacher at a special needs school, became increasingly concerned about the children's well-being, especially because some of them are most definitely vulnerable. How to make the necessary increased hygiene easy and fun is an especially pertinent question with special needs children with sometimes profound physical and mental challenges.  

While having a "thought shower" with a close friend it also became clear that there would be massive plastic waste generated. Gradually the original small need morphed into a grand idea. If you are looking out for people’s health, why not well-being? If at a school, why not an office or a home office, or even just a home? If we want to take care of people in the UK, why not peoples in need world-wide? If we are taking care of poor peoples, why not the planet? Everything in the end is related to everything else. 

We love the idea of using the rainbow logo because of the universally positive ideas it encompasses: a symbol of hope, of something better to come, a celestial bridge between people, an emblem of love and harmony. In some cultures the colours of the rainbow reflect the health of the Earth and its peoples. If the colours are dilute, health is poor but if the colours are strong the Earth has healed. Our mission is to help strengthen the colours, make them bright like the children’s pictures we are all familiar with. Rainbow Life seems particularly appropriate because that one phrase covers everything we are about. 



We want to make a difference.

Unlike huge corporations we do not see the need to drive down prices incessantly, robbing people everywhere of a decent, fair, liveable wage and concentrating inordinate wealth in the bank account of one man or his wealthy shareholders.

It's incomprehensible that one person has $200+ billion while workers in India making goods for his webstore make $1 a day.

Well, that is not us. We have consciously gone the other way. Every price you see on this website is what it is because there is an unbroken chain (think of a series of rainbow bridges) from you to the people involved in its production. The prices are fair because everybody in that chain deserves fair payment for their labour. Sometimes we will be a bit higher than you might find on Amazon, and sometimes we will be a bit lower. We encourage recycled and upcycled goods from our manufacturers wherever possible. We buy directly from charities or cooperatives or from UK distributors that also follow these principles.



Rainbow Life Team - Isle of Man


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