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Fair trade ? The Power of the Purchase

by Lisa Clutterbuck 06 Mar 2023 0 Comments
Fair trade ? The Power of the Purchase

The power of a customer’s purchase can have a meaningful impact on the world. Through buying fair trade goods and supporting organizations dedicated to promoting fair trade, as customers we can make a difference in the lives of producers in developing countries and help create a more sustainable global economy by making purchases that are labelled as fair trade.

Fair trade advocates for paying producers in developing nations a fair price for their goods and, in certain situations, even providing additional incentives. This makes it possible for those making items in these countries to support their families, make a living, and keep up regular production.

At the same time, consumers in the developed world have the option to buy goods manufactured using moral and environmentally friendly methods as opposed to those made using child labour or unjust labour practises. As customers we may feel at ease knowing that our purchases are fair trade and are changing the world.

We can search for products that have fair trade certification while looking to purchase fair trade goods. This certification aids in ensuring that the product was made in a way that was morally and environmentally responsible, and that the producers were paid fairly.

In addition, we have other options beyond only purchasing fair trade products, such as contributing to campaigns and organisations that encourage fair trade. We can contribute to the growth of ethical production and ensure that producers in developing nations have the means to support a living by making donations to organisations that support fair trade.

5 Reasons to Buy Fair Trade

Many people look to the power of their purchasing when it comes to changing the world:

1. By purchasing fair trade products, you’re helping to empower farmers and workers in developing countries to receive fair wages, decent working conditions, and the opportunity to improve their lives and their communities.

2. Fair trade protects the environment. Fair trade organizations support environmentally friendly farming practices, such as crop rotation, agroforestry, and water harvesting, that preserve resources for generations to come.

3. Fair trade improves the quality of life of the farmers and workers. By guaranteeing fair wages and decent working conditions, fair trade creates opportunity and reduces poverty.

4. The standard of living of the farmers and workers is enhanced by fair trade. Fair trade increases opportunity and decreases poverty by ensuring fair salaries and respectable working conditions.

5. Transparency and democratic decision-making are promoted by fair trade. In order to guarantee that the farmers and workers have a voice in the decisions that affect their life, fair trade groups adopt democratic decision-making processes.

10 Principles of Fair Trade

1. Create Opportunities for Economically Disadvantaged Producers: Fair trade organizations benefit disadvantaged farmers and workers by providing them with fair wages and decent working conditions.

2. Transparency and Accountability: Fair trade organizations should be transparent in their operations and accountable to the farmers and workers they work with.

3. Fair Trading Practices: Fair trade organizations should practice fair trading practices, such as offering producers pre-harvest credit and long-term contracts.

4. Payment of Fair Prices: Fair trade organizations should pay producers fair prices that cover their costs of production and provide a fair return.

5. Ensuring no Child Labour and Forced Labour: Fair trade organizations should ensure that no child labour or forced labour is used in the production of fair trade products.

6. Commitment to Non-Discrimination: Fair trade organizations should not discriminate against farmers and workers based on their gender, race, religion, or political beliefs.

7. Commitment to Gender Equity: Fair trade organizations should promote gender equity by supporting the participation of women in decision-making processes and offering them the same opportunities as men.

8. Ensuring Good Working Conditions: Fair trade organizations should ensure that farmers and workers have access to decent working conditions, including reasonable hours of work and access to health care.

9. Respect for the Environment: Fair trade organizations should promote environmentally friendly farming practices, such as crop rotation, agroforestry, and water harvesting

10. Fair trade organisations should strive to create long-term trade relationships. By creating long-term relationships, fair trade organizations can ensure that farmers and workers have access to consistent and reliable markets in which to sell their goods, and can help them to plan for their future.

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