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A Guide to Making Your Travel More Sustainable.

by Lisa Clutterbuck 01 Feb 2023 0 Comments
A Guide to Making Your Travel More Sustainable.

Cultural sensitivity and carbon offsets

Many people now like travelling, but it's vital to think about how it affects the environment. The travel sector considerably raises global carbon emissions, from lodging to air transport. It's not all bad news, however. Fortunately, there are actions we can take to lessen our carbon footprint and honour the local customs when travelling. The idea of sustainable tourism and travel will be covered in this guide, along with information on carbon offset programmes and the value of cultural sensitivity.

What are sustainable travel and tourism?
In order to maximise the advantages for local people while limiting the negative effects on the environment, tourism and travel must be sustainable. This includes lowering the carbon emissions caused by travel, minimising waste, and protecting regional ecosystems and cultures. Being conscientious of the influence we have on the places we visit and taking measures to lessen it are key components of sustainable tourism and travel.

Carbon Offset Programs
By investing in initiatives that lower or eliminate carbon emissions elsewhere, carbon offsetting programmes enable travellers to lessen the effects of their air travel. To reduce their flight's carbon footprint, a traveller might, for instance, invest in a wind farm or other renewable energy project.

The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standards are two trustworthy carbon offsetting programmes that are accessible (CCBS). These programmes are intended to guarantee that offset initiatives are reliable, open, and efficient at lowering carbon emissions.

Respect cultural traditions
Travellers may have an adverse effect on more than just the environment. Tourism-related growth and development may sometimes disturb regional people and their cultural customs. It's critical to choose eco-friendly accommodation options and adopt ethical travel habits, like respecting native cultures and staying away from single-use plastics, in order to lessen this impact. By protecting the towns we visit and their cultural history for future generations, this can help the environment too.

Some tips for ensuring respect for the places & people you visit:

  • Learn about local customs and traditions before you travel: Before your trip, do some research on the local culture and customs of your destination. This will help you understand what behaviours are respectful and what to avoid.
  • Dress appropriately: In many cultures, clothing can be an important part of tradition and can carry symbolic meaning. It's important to dress appropriately and modestly when visiting religious or cultural sites.
  • Respect local food customs: Different cultures have different eating customs, and it's important to be mindful of these when dining in a foreign country. For example, some cultures may have specific rules about eating with your hands or using chopsticks.
  • Avoid taking photos in inappropriate places: In some cultures, taking photos of religious sites or people can be considered disrespectful. It's important to understand and follow local customs around photography to avoid offending anyone.
  • Support local businesses: When travelling, try to support local businesses and artisans, rather than large multinational corporations. This will help to preserve local economies and cultural traditions.

The Benefits of Sustainable Travel

In order to respect local cultural traditions and minimise our harmful influence on the environment, we can embrace sustainable tourism and travel. We may contribute to ensuring that the world and its inhabitants have a more sustainable future by selecting carbon offsetting programmes and ethical travel habits. So, the next time you plan a trip, consider its impact and make it more environmentally sustainable. These actions will help us protect the Earth and its inhabitants for future generations.

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